
Click to Call

Increased communication implies increased business opportunities. Virtual business card that you design on Look Ahead Digicard comes with the CLICK TO CALL option that enables prospective legatees to get in touch with you instantly.

Click to Mail

Building strong business relationships require free conversations and easy exchange of information. Your Look Ahead Digicard digital v-card allows your venture capitalists to seek details about products and services via electronic mails, through just a tick.

Add to Contact

Finding new prospective clients doesn’t require frequent travelling to business conventions anymore. With advanced inbuilt contact manager on your digital v-cards from Look Ahead Digicard, you can now add, update and edit contact details as and when mandatory.

Profile picture with logo

Digital business cards allow you to include profile pictures to make it look more tailored. According to the specialists, this helps in creating a lasting impression amongst the recipients, by invoking a sense of trust. On Look Ahead Digicard, you will get an option to add a profile picture on your digital v-card, so make sure you avail this feature to get the awaited upshot.

Lead Traffic

Lead generation is an important aspect of any trade. Adding resourceful links to your digital business cards can assist in driving the crowd to your social pages, through which they can know more about your ventures, read reviews given by your previous clients and start considering doing trade with you. According to experts, this gives a boost to probabilities of fruitful business association in future.

Sync Contact

Digital business v-card from Look Ahead Digicard facilitates auto updating of contacts. You can thus stay informed about any changes in the contact details, addresses or e-mail IDs of your business associates, without fussing over manual intervention.

Quick Contact

Some associates are more important than the others. In case you need to have frequent tête-à-tête with a few of them, you can maintain a separate quick contact list on your Look Ahead Digicard digital business card to save your time and accelerate your business talk.

Export Lead

Keep the list of your leads updated through your digital business card. Look Ahead Digicard’s digital business cards help you to export all the needed details of your previous leads in case you have planned to shift to a fresh CRM. Remember, the vital part of any business includes identifying prospects and not misleading them.

Payment Option

In this era of cashless transactions, payments through paper money are slowly becoming outmoded. The digital business card that you design through Look Ahead Digicard is empowered with easy payment options that allow your customers to settle transactions through online payment services, just by clicking on the links of the leading online payment merchants.

digital business card