Refund Policy

We provider 3 days of an extensive free trial of our service, where users can use it and if the user is satisfied with our service then only they can buy it. If the user buys this service then it is taken into account as an informed choice and thereby refund is not applicable at all.

Before purchasing you must read all our terms and conditions, return policy properly. If user directly purchase digital card without the Free trial, he/she must read the return policy and terms and conditions properly before further purchasing the digital card, as there won't be any return of money once the service is purchased.

After purchasing the digital card, if the user found any issues in the existing digital card then user can mail the issue at "" or call / whatsapp at +27848159173. Our technical team will try to resolve the issues as soon as possible but the amount will not be refundable.

Look Ahead Digicard not responsible for any refund on cancellation of the subscription.

digital business card